If you haven’t met Pete, you have missed a treat. He is our six year old field trial “swamp collie” who most often is the only golden competing regularly on the Rocky Mountain region all age field trial circuit. He is the three time (2007-2009) defending Field Dog of the year for Mile High Golden Retriever Club, and has nine derby points including a win. He is a marking machine. He is almost always “winning the trial” after the first series, and if we get him through the blinds watch out for him when we get to the water marks.
Pete is a joy to be around as everything he does is full speed and he has never had a moment that he hasn’t enjoyed. He is a great companion, hunting dog, and friend. He wants to please, but he is also his own man. He is our true alpha dog, but he has a strong conscience also. We love him dearly, and he would make a great sire for a field or performance litter you might consider.
Pete is out of Jackie Mertens Paws (AFC Topbrass Pawsability) and Pete (Frisbies Pilsner Pete***). This is a very close line breeding on Barb Howard’s Barty and Jackie’s Cotton. Paws is probably one of the top producing golden females of all time, with more than 10 qualified all age offspring. Our bitch Rascal is Pete’s half sister, also out of Paws.
Contact us for all of Pete’s clearances and talk about a stud fee. This guy could compliment your bitch with some outstanding traits and wonderful genetics. Give us a call at 970-532-4148 or email to waynedorband@gmail.com.